Maja 16, 2024, 02:16:49 am

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Ta sekcja pozwala Ci zobaczyć wszystkie wiadomości wysłane przez tego użytkownika. Zwróć uwagę, że możesz widzieć tylko wiadomości wysłane w działach do których masz aktualnie dostęp.

Wiadomości - pretorianstalker

Strony: 1 ... 356 357 [358] 359 360 ... 364
Kombinacje kart / Algeroth & Transportowiec "grabieżca"
« dnia: Maja 20, 2006, 08:06:59 pm »
Sytuacja: Wystawiam algerotha. Daję mu samobójczą misję. Wystawiam transportowca grabieżcę. wsiadam do niego Algerothem. Odrzucam Grabieżcę (algerothem). Pytanie jest oczywiste: Czy zdobywam 20 PZ? Algeroth nie może brać udziału w walce, ale czy może zginąć?

No to jaaaazda... Koszal rzeczywiście algeroth chyba może zginąć w grabieżcy moim zdaniem - BOMBA sposób na punkty - włąsnie - nie wiem czy to powinno przejść normalnie - można się kłócić czy samobójcza nie powinna byc dawana wojownikom mogącym brac udział w walce? ale nie jestem pewien jak to powinno być.....hmm CO inn na to? jestem otwarty na sugestie....(Pretor szczególnie Twojego zdania jestem ciekaw...) Pozdro

Zginąć może - mozna na przykład rzucić mu Booby trap i potem Śmiertalną ranę, albo Eat this i potem Śmiertelną - jest pare sposobów na zabicie apostoła - sam lubię ten z Owcą na rzeź, Tym, którego nie powinno się nazywać, Booby trap/Eta this i Śmiertelną  Ale nie wiem jak to dokładnie jest z samobójczą misją. Na misji tej jest zdanie, sugeruące, że musi on zginąć w walce, aczkolwiek nie jest to jasno napisane. W najbliższym czasie się dowiem co i jak

Tak nie powinno być, ale niestety tak jest.

Combo działa, ale nie dostaje się za nie ani punktu zwycięstwa  Zgodnie z zasadą, że za zabicie swojego wojownika nie można dostać punktu zwycięstwa, za misję dostajemy tylko pukty akcji. Punkty zwycięstwa tylko wtedy gdy inny gracz zabije naszego wojownika. Podobna sytuacja tyczy się innych misji - np. Dowód odwagi - atakujemy jedym ze swoich wojowników drugiego przy użyciu telepatii, uzywamy przenośnej miny, dostajemy 3-krotność W w PA, a nie w PZ, chociaż misja przewiduje PZ. Proste??

Ano własnie - tak włąsnie myślałem a'propos tego combo - w końcu zabijam swojego woja jak by nie patrzeć - a odnośnie tego znamy wszyscy zasadę - za zabicie swojego wojownika tylko PA - RACJA PRETOR - i problem rozwiązany...  Pozdro

Niestety akcja Owca na Rzeź -> Ten, którego... -> Eat This/Booby Trap -> Śmiertelna Rana wciąż działa. Prynajmniej trudniej wykonać to niż bajer z allegro(them)

Temat pozostawiam otwarty.

Karty / Dziesięcina
« dnia: Maja 20, 2006, 06:28:40 pm »
Obowiązują zasady z angielskiej wersji kart - skany dostepne w dziale download :)
Już niedługo dodam zbiór wszystkich różnic w jednym dokumencie.

Karty / Zwierciadło Golgothy
« dnia: Maja 20, 2006, 02:58:14 pm »
Na angielskiej wersji pisze wyraźnie: rounded up.
Zaokrąglamy więc  w górę.

Ziemia Niczyja / Film fabularny
« dnia: Maja 20, 2006, 02:17:03 pm »
Opis Duranda z Brotherhood Sourcebook:
Prawdopodobnie najpotężniejsza postać w znanym świecie, wyłączając tylko Wielką Ciemność we własnej osobie. Kardynał Durand jest przywódcą Bractwa. Jest dobrym człowiekiem, często cichy i zadumany lecz zawsze gotowy do działania. Przez lata zdobył ogromną wiedzę, a jego zaawansowany wiek daje mu rozsądek, w którym tylko nieliczni mogą mieć nadzieję aby mu dorównać. Pomimo, że jest siedemnastym kardynałem, Durand XVII  jest jednym z trzech ludzi, którzy kiedykolwiek piastowali urząd Kardynała. Pierwszym z nich jest Nathaniel Durand. Odkrył on siódmy czar sztuki przemian, czar który przywraca młodość. Szybko jednak zorientował się, że zaklęcie wymaga niezwykle skomplikowanego rytuału i ogromnego nakładu sił, będą więc mu potrzebne zaufane osoby, z którymi będzie mógł podzielić się swą wiedzą.Swoim planem podzielił się ze swoimi braćmi, Alexandrem i Peter’em. Nathaniel wiedział, że choć ludzie mogliby zaakceptować długo żyjącego kardynała, to jednak fakt o poznaniu przez niego sekretu wiecznego życia, po wyjściu na jaw, spowodowałby rozpoczęcie wojny z megakorporacjami. Megakorporacje mogłyby wszcząć wojnę z Bractwem, w celu przejęcia nad nim kontroli, oraz zdobyciu mocy zaklęcia dla siebie.Taki konflikt, mógłby drastycznie osłabić ludzkość w czasie, w którym nie mogła ona sobie na to pozwolić.  Zagrożenie ze strony Wielkiej Ciemności było zbyt duże. Nathaniel zdecydował, iż nie może ryzykować wybuchu działań wojennych pomiędzy rasą ludzką. Ludzkośc musiała skupić swą energię na grożącym jej niebezpieczeństwie ze strony Ciemności. Nathaniel sformułował plan.Alexander był już członkiem Kurii, a dużo młodszy Peter był zaledwie mistykiem. W korzystnej, z politycznego punktu widzenia, sytuacji w przyszłości Nathaniel mógł upozorować swą śmierć...Jednak nie było pewne czy Alexander będzie zdolny do przejęcia urzędu. Podczas piastowania urzędu przez Alexandra, Peter stałby się członkiem Kurii i zajął miejsce Alexandra. W tym czasie młody Nathaniel mógłby rozpocząć od nowa swoje życie jako członek Bauhausu, a później wypracować sobie pozycję w Bractwie. W czasie gdy Alexander byłby gotowy do odejścia z urzędu, jego śmierć zostałaby upozorowana, a jego miejsce zająłby Peter. Niedługo później młody Nathaniel zostałby członkiem Kurii. Plan został wcielony w życie i sprawdził się. Nikt niczego nie podejrzewał, a ci, którzy podejrzewali byli szybko eliminowani. Bracia byli zachwyceni. Razem mogli piastować urząd kardynała przez wieczność. Dowodzili oni, że w ich interesie leżało dobro ludzkości. Ciemność miała nieśmiertelnego przywódcę, który mógł kontynuować swoje rządy przez wieczność, natomiast żaden z ludzkich przywódców nie mógł temu sprostać – aż do teraz. Świat nareszcie miał nieśmiertelnego przywódcę, którego potrzebował. Alexander jest aktualnym Kardynałem zasiadającym na tronie. Urząd kardynała powierzano mu już sześciokrotnie.

Oto wersja z sourcebooka dla Bractwa :)
Tłumaczenie - pretorianstalker ;)

Ziemia Niczyja / Film fabularny
« dnia: Maja 20, 2006, 12:54:37 pm »
O ile się nie mylę to Durand nie zginął do końca chyba ;)
Durandów jest 3 - i po kolei sprawują włądzę w Bractwie. Dominik natomiast to Kardynał w Lunie i ma nadzieję, na przejęcie władzy po śmierci niesmiertelnego Duranda :D

Talie/taktyki / Kultyści
« dnia: Maja 20, 2006, 12:47:41 pm »
Pretorian! - ty chamie! (to tak jak się nie zna dobrze kart z Mortyfikatora)

Error  :P
Cóż, zdarza się - i tak nie udalo mi sie go użyć ;)
Tylko trochę strachu napędziłem :)

Zasady ogólne / Odp: Placówka a pojazdy
« dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 04:56:18 pm »
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa.... Czemu miałby tracić akcję? Pisałem już o tym chyba 2 lub 3 razy na tym forum!! Za jakie grzechy miałby tracić? Jeżeli czegoś zrobić nie może to nie robi i tyle. Jak ktoś zmusi gracza aby ten w następnej turze zaatakował jakiś cel, a ten nie ma w nastepnej turze już wojownika w grze, to czy traci wszystkie akcje z nastenj tury?? :)
Nie - czemu? A czemu miałby tracić? Jak czegoś nie ma w zasadach to nie wymyślajmy na siłę.

Klub Arkadin / Grinder to the Lions!!
« dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 12:54:57 pm »
Po prostu nastepnym razem ludzie się przygotują na talie czyszczącę rękę :)
Będzie po sprawie. Ja sam mam już pomysł na deck i Grinder nie powinien stanowić zagrożenia :) Co najwyżej zdobedę 10 dodatkowych PZ ;)

Ziemia Niczyja / Monty Python and The Holy Grail CCG
« dnia: Maja 18, 2006, 11:29:48 pm »
Raczej się śpiewa niż tańczy :)
Co mi tam - wrzuce zasady, może ktos się skusi.
Oto one:
Each player will lead one Round Table through England on a quest to find the Holy Grail. During the quest, the Round Table will deal with adversaries through combat, wits or running away. Each player will try to hinder his opponent's Round Table by playing cards such as taunts, events and perils so he can complete the quest first. After a player's Round Table has braved the hazards of England, it may enter Avalon where the Holy Grail may be found.
2.1 Each player removes one Arthur and one Patsy card from his deck and places them aside. These are the starting cast of characters.
2.2 Each player shuffles his deck.
2.3 Each player cuts his opponent's deck and flips the top-card face up. These "ante" cards are placed in a pile. The first to find the Grail wins the ante. If all players agree, you may play for more than one ante card, but in no case shall anyone be allowed to play without an ante (see also Optional Rules).
2.4 Next, each player must place the top 14 cards from their deck, face-down, such that no player knows the cards' identities. All players then arrange the 14 cards face-down to form England and Avalon (see Figure 1).
2.5 Each player then draws seven cards for their hand.
2.6 Whichever player owns the most MPHG cards goes first.
2.7 Om du befinner dig i Sverige, mŒste du spela MPHG CCG vid ett runt bord!
3.1 Draw Cards Phase. The player whose turn it is draws her cards. The number of cards drawn shall be one unless her knights are in an area that provides for the drawing of extra cards (such as lands or castles).
3.2 Take Your Turn Phase. Do any of the following in any order:
·   Play one or more cards from your hand,
·   Move your knights one space in any direction,
·   Resolve disputes with adversaries (this action may be required at specific times),
·   Play face-down cards on your opponent's England,
·   Play face-down cards on Avalon,
·   Ask one knight or persona to join you in your Round Table, or
·   Run away.
3.3 Balance Hand Phase. A player must always have between three and seven cards at the end of his turn. If a player has eight or more cards at the end of his turn, he must discard down to seven cards. On the other hand, if a player has two or fewer cards at the end of his turn, he must draw enough cards to have three in his hand after the draw.
4.1 When to Play. Any player may play a card face-up on/in any opponent, England, Avalon, or Round Table at any time (subject to restrictions in section 6.2). A card may be played face-down in any England or Avalon only during the player's Take Your Turn phase.
4.2 Quotes. All card titles and quotes must be read aloud or the card does not take effect and is placed in the dead cart. When reading a quote or singing a song, the reader should also make a good faith effort to imitate any applicable movie accent or inflection.
4.3 Two Cards in One. The basic card types include the following: Adversary, Castle, Event, Item, Knight, Land, Page, Persona, Questions Three, Song, Taunt and Village. The majority of cards have a secondary or alternate effect at the bottom or side of the card. These secondary effects may be used in lieu of the primary effect. EXCEPTION: The secondary property of page cards is an adversary. This secondary effect only comes into play if a player turns the card up in his own England. In that case, the card is considered an adversary and not a page. Under no circumstances is a player to play a page or a page's alternate property in any England, on an opponent, or in Avalon, i.e., a player may only play a page in her Round Table Area, and the card must be played as a page (not an adversary).
4.4 Grail Numbers. The numbers inside the grail icon are called grail numbers. They are used just like die rolls. If a grail number is required, a card is drawn and the number inside the grail icon is used. The card is then discarded with no further effect. Exception: Song cards that are used for the grail number must then be immediately played on the drawing player's opponent. (Song cards which you have in your hand may be played at any time subject to limits set by section 4.1).
4.5 The Dead Cart. Used cards and discards are placed in a face-up pile next to the player's deck. This pile is called the dead cart. EXCEPTION: a card which must specifically be "eliminated from play" is not placed in the dead cart. It must be removed from the playing surface never again to be used in the current game.
4.6 Unique Cards. Only one of each card may be in play on a player's England, Avalon, or Round Table Area at a time. Otherwise duplicate cards may be played using their secondary effect, or on the other player's England or Round Table Area. Note that if a card is in Avalon, it may not be played in either player's England or Round Table. If a duplicate card is turned face-up, it is immediately discarded (and replaced if appropriate - see 6.0 Movement for more details). EXCEPTION: "generic" cards may always be duplicated.
5.1 Knights. New knights may be invited to join a player's Round Table. A knight will not join the Round Table unless there is a page in play that can carry his coconuts. If there is a page that can be assigned to the knight, the knight may join the Round Table. Knights played directly from a player's hand join the Round Table automatically (if there is a page for them, of course). Knights encountered in England may be asked to join by a knight who is already a member of the Round Table. When a knight is asked to join, both players draw a grail number. If the knight's number is less than the Round Table representative's number, he joins. If it exceeds the Round Table representative's number, he refuses to join and becomes an adversary (he must be defeated to enter the area). If the numbers are equal, the knight will not join, but may be asked to join again. A knight may be asked to join only once per turn, unless he is challenged to combat or a battle of wits, in which case he will never join.
5.2 Personas. Personas may be invited to join the Round Table just like knights, however the Round Table representative may not use a Round Table bonus (if any). Personas do not normally require a page to serve them.
5.3 'Til Death Do Us Part. Knights, personas and pages may not be voluntarily dismissed or removed from Round Table service - they are members until death. EXCEPTION: If a knight's page is killed or eliminated, the knight will leave the Round Table (place him in the dead cart) unless another page can be immediately assigned to him. A page cannot be assigned to this knight at the expense of another knight.
6.1 Movement in General. The knights may move to one area adjacent to the area they are in per turn (although some special cards enhance/restrict movement and see also Section 7.6, Running Away). A player's Round Table may not move (except to run away) without at least one knight. To move, a player announces the space that she intends her Round Table to move into.
6.2 Face-down Cards. If there are face-down cards in the space the knights are moving into, they are turned over, such that the former bottom card is now on top, and all cards are now face up, i.e., the first card placed face-down is revealed first. As each card is revealed, the primary ability affects the knights and personas entering the area. Thus any events, songs, taunts or trivia that are revealed can adversely affect the knights; it is as if the player's opponent had played the cards and whether the card takes effect is totally at the discretion of the opponent. If, after all events have taken effect, there are no lands, adversaries (or perils), castles, knights, personas, items or villages, the player whose turn it is must take the top card from her deck and place it face-up in the space. This process continues until an appropriate card fills the space (from any source, including another player's hand).
This would suggest that a player must encounter at least one of the following when moving into a new area of England: lands, adversaries (or perils, which includes pages), castles, knights, personas, items or villages. So if the player traversing into a new area of England encounters cards only belonging to the other four "suits" (i.e. events, questions three, songs, and taunts), the player has to keep drawing cards until one of the other eight suits comes up.
6.3 One per Space. There may be no more than one of each of the following cards in a space at any given time: land, village, castle, peril or adversary, knight (may or may not be an adversary), persona. Additionally, a peril may not occupy the same area as a knight. The cards played first remain, the others are discarded. Thus, if a player plays a castle on a face-down space and later the original face-down card is revealed to be a castle, the second card played is discarded. EXCEPTION: Anthrax personas and adversaries may be played together in contravention of the "one card type per space" rule. Add their wits together and resolve the dispute once.
6.4 Occupying the Space. After the knights have defeated any adversaries in an area, the entire Round Table is free to enter the area. This is indicated by moving one knight (usually Arthur) or some other appropriate marker into the space. For convenience, the rest of the Round Table remains in the Round Table Area. The knight that is representing the Round Table by moving as your "piece" in England is not necessarily the lead knight for disputes - the lead knight is chosen when a dispute occurs.
7.1 Disputes. Disputes occur when characters enter an area containing an adversary or peril (any knight or persona that refuses to join a player's Round Table is also an adversary). There are two ways to deal with adversaries in MPHG: Combat and Wits.
7.2 Combat. When combat occurs, both players draw a grail number and add it to the lead character's or adversary's combat value. The resulting totals are then compared. The highest total wins and the loser is slain and placed in the dead cart. If the numbers are equal, it's a draw and the battle continues next turn.
Example 7.1: Arthur, Lancelot and Brave Sir Robin move into a new area of England. The card is turned over to reveal Sir Gawain. Arthur first attempts to convince Gawain to join the Round Table. A Round Table draw is made and Gawain refuses to join. Not wanting to retreat, Arthur orders Lancelot to do battle with Gawain (thus Lancelot is the "lead knight"). Lancelot (combat 8) draws a 3 grail number. His total is 11. Gawain (combat 4) draws a 6, for a total of 10. Since Lancelot's total is higher, Gawain is slain and placed in the dead cart. Had their numbers been equal, the combat would continue during the player's next turn.
7.3 Knight-assist Bonus. If knights are combating a peril, the lead knight may add a +1 to his combat value for each other knight in his Round Table. If the knights lose, the lead knight is slain.
Example 7.2: Arthur, Lancelot and Bedevere move into a new area of England. The card is turned over to reveal the Vicious Chicken of Bristol, combat 3. Arthur orders the knights to attack the Chicken, with Lancelot as the "lead knight." Lancelot (combat 8) draws a 3 grail number. His total is 11. But now he can also add a +1 each for Arthur and Bedevere who assist him against the vicious beast. So Lancelot's total is 13. The Chicken draws a 2, for a total of 5; Lancelot, Arthur and Bedevere easily dispatch the feathered menace and the Lands are safe once more. Note that if the Chicken had exceeded Lancelot's total, only Lancelot would have been killed, even though Arthur and Bedevere assisted.
7.4 Have Wits. If the adversary has a Wits ability score, it can be defeated through a Battle of Wits. A Battle of Wits follows the same procedure as combat, however, the Wits ability is used for the battlers. The higher number outwits the opponent. If the knights win, they remain unaffected by the adversary and may enter the space occupied by the adversary, but the adversary remains. If the adversary wins, the knights are subject to the special effects listed on the adversary's card, or, if none, may not enter the space this turn. Ties indicate a draw, just as in combat.
7.5 Multi-talented Adversaries. When an adversary that has both wits and combat is first encountered, the knights choose what method of dispute resolution to use. An adversary with both a combat ability and wits ability may only be outwitted once, thereafter it must be combated.
7.6 Running away. In order to run away, the player must stand and say: "Run Away! Run Away!" There are no limits to the number of times knights may run away and the knights may run away at any time prior to drawing a grail number to resolve a dispute. However, they must always run away towards the Round Table Area (down) or back to the area from whence they came (opponent's choice if they are different). The Round Table may not voluntarily run away to an unexplored area of England (an area with its original face-down card). If a player can only run away down to unexplored or impassable areas, her opponent chooses to where she retreats from among the unexplored areas or any adjacent area in the case of impassable areas. Knights (and their Round Table) may run away to an area occupied by an adversary, but are subject to dispute with the adversary. Exception: once in Avalon, the knights may run away to either the last area they came from or to one of the top two areas of England.
8.1 The Castle Icon. Characters can only occupy a castle if they have a castle icon or are a member of a Round Table.
Why enter a castle? To pass them?
8.1 The Castle Table. Castles containing knights or adversaries with both Combat and Wits abilities may not be passed without first consulting the card's castle table. To consult the castle chart, subtract the castle inhabitant's Wits from the Wits of any one member of the player's Round Table (this will sometimes result in a negative value). The advancing player then adds two grail numbers. The total is compared to the chart on the castle card and the results are followed. The castle table may not be consulted after that castle has been assaulted (see below), unless there is a new adversary in the castle.
Castles only have knights, adversaries, or personas in them when the castle cards say they do. Typically, your opponent will be asked to search through his or her deck for an appropriate knight, adversary, or persona to put into the castle.
Example 8.1: Arthur, Ector and Galahad ride up to castle Tintagel in England accompanied by 4 pages. The castle is occupied by Bors (wits 4). Arthur attempts to parley and gain access to the castle. Player A (whose turn it is) draws two grail numbers: 4 and 2. Player A then adds Arthur's wits (Arthur is the lead knight here) of 5 to the total and then subtracts Bors' wits (of 4) for a total of 7 (4+2+5-4). The castle chart shows that a 7 does not allow passage. Arthur and his Round Table may either wait until next turn and again consult the chart, immediately assault the castle or run away.
8.2 Adversaries With No Combat Ability. Castles occupied by personas or adversaries who do not have a combat ability may be freely entered without consulting the castle table. The adversary may still need to be defeated, however. Knights may not pass a castle containing adversaries or personas with no combat value without first entering the castle and encountering the adversary (they entice the knights to enter the castle).
8.3 Assaulting Castles. Castles may be assaulted only after consulting the castle table at least once. Castles are assaulted as follows: the attacking player assigns a lead knight and adds a +1 combat value to that knight for each additional knight in the Round Table. The defenders add the defense value of the castle (printed on the card) to their combat value. Both players draw a grail number and add it to their totals, highest number wins, just as in combat. If the knights lose, the lead knight is slain. If the defenders lose, the attackers have breached the castle and are inside. The attacking knights gain any bonus or effects (such as drawing of extra cards or defense bonus against adversaries not inside the castle) of being inside the castle. The defenders must still be dealt with during the following turn using normal combat or wits.
Example 8.2: Assume Arthur (in Example 8.1 above) decides to assault the castle. Player A chooses Arthur as his champion (combat 5). He adds +2, +1 each for Ector and Galahad, for a total of seven. Player O adds Bors' combat of 4 to the castle defense bonus of 4, for a total of 8. Both players draw a grail number and add it to their total. If Bors' total exceeds Arthur's, Arthur is slain (but not Galahad or Ector). If there is a tie, the assault continues next turn. If Arthur's total exceeds Bors' total, the knights have breached the castle and are inside.
Example 8.3: Assume Arthur's total in Example 8.2 exceeded Bors' total. The next turn, Player A can take advantage of Arthur's being inside the castle by drawing the extra cards. However, Arthur may not advance unless Bors is either outwitted or defeated through combat. Bors no longer receives the castle bonus and Arthur (or any other champion Player A now chooses) may no longer receive the knight assist bonus from allied knights.
8.4 Not-to-enter-the-castle. You may avoid castle effects by stating that your knights will remain outside of the castle.
9.1 The Village Table. If the knights enter an area that contains a village, the controlling player must immediately draw a grail number and consult the Village Table.
10.0 PAGES
10.1 Sweet Chauncey?!? Pages may carry one item and support one knight (unless stated otherwise on the card). Pages may not move (except to run away) or serve any other purpose. Pages must serve the knight they are assigned until either the page or the knight dies.
11.0 ITEMS
11.1 Bring Up the Extra Coconuts. Items must be put into play by assigning a page to carry it. The following turn a knight or persona may use the item or its properties. Thus, the effects of an item can never be used immediately from a player's hand, they must spend one turn being "assigned" to a page.
12.1 Customize! Write Yer Own™ cards make MPHG the only truly customizable card game. In order to use one for anything other than the secondary ability, you must permanently write the abilities of the card in the spaces provided. The abilities should be comparable to other MPHG cards of that type (e.g., a Write Yer Own™ item card should be similar in power to other item cards). Grail numbers over seven are not allowed. Although not necessary for play, we strongly suggest that you also draw a picture of the card on the blank space provided. Send us your creations and who knows, you may influence a new card in a future MPHG set!
13.1 Grail Numbers. Unless stated otherwise on the card, all card effects that affect anything requiring the use of grail numbers (such as resolving disputes or castle tables) must be played before the grail numbers are drawn. All players must give their opponents a chance to play as many cards as they would like before grail numbers are drawn.
13.2 Tag-backs Are O.K. Players may decide to play one or more cards after their opponent plays a card.
13.3 No Retractions. Once announced as being in play, a card may not be retracted.
13.4 Precedence. In general, the last card played takes precedence when determining which of two contradictory effects take place. For example, a player might play a card that ensures a knight will automatically join his Round Table when invited. However, his opponent might immediately counter with a card that stops any knights from joining the Round Table for 1 turn. The second card played takes precedence and both cards are placed in the dead cart.
14.1 Moving to Avalon. Once the knights have reached one of the top two areas in England, they may move to any area in Avalon whether or not it is adjacent to the area in England they are leaving. Likewise, once in Avalon, the knights may move to any other area in Avalon regardless of whether they are adjacent. If, at any time while in Avalon, a player has no knights in play during his draw phase that player immediately loses the game.
15.1 Finding the Grail. After a player has defeated all the adversaries in any area of Avalon, she may have her knights search for the Grail. To do this, the player draws a grail number, if it is six or greater she wins. Each area of Avalon may only be searched once, i.e., both players cannot search the same area of Avalon. For each area of Avalon unsuccessfully searched by any player, a cumulative bonus of +1 is added to the grail number of the next search by any player. Note that it is possible for all areas of Avalon to be searched and the Grail not to be found. In this case, the game is a draw and the players must play again each adding a new card to the existing ante.
15.2 Losing the Game. Any player who runs out of cards in his deck for any reason automatically loses the game. Certain cards (e.g., Slaying of the Historian) may also cause a player's game to end early.
15.3 Winning the Ante. The ante is won only if a player finds the Holy Grail. If a player's opponent is defeated before the player finds the Grail, the player may continue to search for the Grail until she runs out of cards, unsuccessfully searches all areas of Avalon, gives up in despair, calls it a draw or finds the Holy Grail. To resolve conflict when there are no other players left, the player must first draw a grail number for any adversaries and then a grail number for herself.
16.1 Sick of the Quotes. If all players agree before the game begins, you may disregard any of the rules.
16.2 Double the Ante. We recommend doubling the ante like the doubling cube in Backgammon. For those of you who do not know how this works, read on. Any player may announce that he is doubling the ante after his turn is over. His opponent must then either agree to double the ante or concede the game. Once a particular player has doubled the ante, he may not double it again until all other players have also doubled the ante, and so on. Example: Player 1 announces that he wishes to double the ante and Player 2 agrees. Both players then place a second ante card from the top of their respective decks into their ante pile. There are now four cards total in the ante pile (note that Player 1 may not double the ante again, until after Player 2 first doubles the ante). A few turns later Player 2 now gains the upper hand (perhaps with some nasty taunts) and decides to double the ante. Player 1 must either concede the game or agree. If Player 1 agrees, both players place four cards in the ante (2 doubled is four) for a total of 16 cards in the ante, 8 from each player!
16.3 Games With More Than Two Players. MPHG is easily adaptable for more than two players. For games of three or more players, each player lays out one card in Avalon. The player who goes first then lays out an additional card in Avalon. The player on the left of the player whose turn it is always draws grail numbers for adversaries, et. al. We recommend the use of many Get on with it! cards in large multi-player games.
Question 1. When I turn a card face-up in England or Avalon, can my opponent choose for the secondary property to take effect? No, your opponent chooses whether or not you will be affected by the primary property only, unless the card is a page (not played by your opponent) in which case the secondary property automatically takes effect.
Question 2. If you run away to a space occupied by an adversary and are subject to dispute with the adversary, when does this take place? The dispute takes place as soon as the player's knights enter the space that the adversary or peril is occupying.
Question 3. Can there ever be an empty space in England or Avalon? Yes, this would represent open land which is not named or claimed by anyone.
Question 4. If a knight is killed or trapped does his page get killed or trapped? No, the page remains with the rest of the Round Table even if his knight is killed or eliminated; he is just an extra member of the group.
Question 5. Can you trade possessions between pages? Yes, subject to the maximum carrying restrictions.
Question 6. Can I play a card, such as an adversary, directly on a space occupied by my opponent? No, once your opponent controls a space you may not play an adversary on it until he leaves. You may play other cards such as villages, lands or castles in that space.
Question 7. Can I run away from a village? No, you must be facing an adversary in order to run away.
Question 8. What happens if a card is turned up in my England that is a duplicate of another card in my England? The most recent card turned up should be placed in the dead cart and replaced if there is no other permanent card occupying that space.
Question 9. Can I occupy the same space as my opponent? No.
Question 10. Can I move into my opponent's England? No.
Game design: Brian Jelke, Steven Johansson, David Kenzer, Adam Niepomnik, Mark Schultz
Card design & layout: Gerda Hansen, Brian Jelke, Steven Johansson, David Kenzer, Jennifer Kenzer, Rebecca Tudor, Mark Tudor
Play-testers: Timothy Anton, David Applegate, David Berent, Dan Brown, James Colletti, Deborah Daigle, Curt Duval, Keith Golbach, Paul Herkes, Lauren Jackson, Ernest Kemnetz, Earl J. Llama, Jim Moy, Mark Mueller, Richard Rhyan, Mike Selk.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail CCG is a card game conceived, produced and manufactured by Kenzer & Company, the exclusive holder of the worldwide card game license from Python (Monty) Pictures, Ltd.
Rulebook and card content and design © Copyright 1996 Kenzer & Company, All Rights Reserved. Movie stills © NFTC Ltd.
Kenzer & Company, the Kenzer & Company logo, the various icons and "Write Yer Own" are trademarks of Kenzer and Company. Manufactured in the United States of America.
The designers of the game hired to correct any mistakes the original creators made before being sacked, wish it to be known that they have just been sacked. The following [undoubtedly incomplete] errata list has been completed in an entirely different style at great expense and at the last minute.
The following cards: Humphrey the Page, the 'generic' Page and Patsy have icons in which the sword is off-center and difficult to see. It's definitely there though! We are aware that Arthur is the Sovereign and not the mere Ruler of all England. Sorry for the demotion old boy. On Excalibur, "whose" is mistakenly spelled "who's". The proofreader responsible for this gaffe has been demoted to a page. "Sacrifice" is a very early beta test version way of saying "place in the dead cart". How'd that get in there? I have the brain of a duck you know.

Propozycje, sugestie, błędy / Rangi
« dnia: Maja 18, 2006, 09:45:16 pm »
Jak sobie wpiszesz tytuł Pna Zniszczenia to taki będziesz miał - Rangi, to obrazki przedstawiające znak Kartelu (nie wiem co jest później bo jeszcze nikt nie ma nic więcej niż 2 znaki Kartelu), ale jak chcesz to tytuł sam możesz sobie dopisać.

BTW - dwie wielkie ciemności to za dużo jak na jedno forum :) Zmieniam tytuł...

Zasady ogólne / Odp: Umocnienia
« dnia: Maja 18, 2006, 09:39:43 pm »
Zdecydowanie nie :)
Nadal wojownik nie może korzystać z więcej niż jednej takiej samej karty umocnienia jednocześnie, tak samo jak nie korzysta z 5 Koordynatorów, chociaż to nie broń i teoretycznie mógłby tego użyć.
Nie możesz jednocześnie być bronionym przez np 3 Ufortyfikowane okopy i podobnie jest z umocnieniami dołączanymi do wojowników. Możesz mieć oczywiście 3 różne umocnienia dołączone - Okop, Instalacja, Zasieki i czerpać +6 do P, ale nie możesz mieć 2x Instalacja i +6 do P.

Zasady ogólne / Pierwszeństwo
« dnia: Maja 18, 2006, 07:51:48 pm »
Krok wykonywania akcji zaczyna się po dobraniu kart - pomiędzy zakończeniem dobierania i krokiem 2 nie ma nic :) Przechodzimy automatycznie. Jeżeli komuś zależy, aby zagrac kartę przed wykonaniem akcji przez przeciwenika, może zapytać czy już zamierza wykonywać akcje, czy jeszcze nie :) Na turnieju tak niestety robiłem bo nie ma nikt zwyczaju oznajmiać, że zamierza wykonać pierwszą z dostępnych akcji, tylko od razu wszyscy mówią co właśnie dzięki tej akcji zrobili.

Karty / Odp: Czołg Bojowy "Grizzli"
« dnia: Maja 18, 2006, 07:45:55 pm »
Wojownicy korzystający z pojazdów oraz wojownicy uważani za pojazdy nie mogą korzystac z efektów umocnień. O tyle o ile Reaktywny pancerz można dołączyć np do T32, bo działa on na pojazd a nie na wojownika, to do czołgu nie można dołączyć tegoż pancerza (Grizzli'ego mam na myśli) bo nie może on korzystać z efektów umocnień.
Sytuacja się zmienia kiedy zagramy walkę w mieście :)
Teraz wojownicy w pojazdach/będący pojazdami moga już korzystać z umocnień. I tu rodzi się pytanie jak działa taki Pancerz reaktywny. Uważam, że nie pozwala odrzucić czołgu przy użyciu kart, które czołg miałyby odrzucić - np Fala prawości :)
Po zabiciu natomiast czołgu, pancerz spada raze z nim.

Karty / Primal bitch
« dnia: Maja 18, 2006, 07:40:12 pm »
Jest uważana za wojownika i może robić to co wojownicy robić mogą (poza walką bo to jest napisane na karcie).
Kiedy Ilian jest w grze można ją obdarzać kartami MH.

Propozycje, sugestie, błędy / Banner
« dnia: Maja 18, 2006, 07:32:30 pm »
Jak wrzucam to co napisałem na aukcję, to widać w podgladzie tak jak widać to na forum, a ponadto działa jako odnośnik.

BTW - aukcję można zmienić w dowolnym momencie ;)

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