Lutego 07, 2025, 10:07:57 pm

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Wiadomości - Aaron_Solstice

Strony: [1] 2
International Forum / Doomtrooper Lib for Android!
« dnia: Lutego 24, 2014, 11:42:58 am »
Doomtrooper Lib for Android can show all First Edition Doomtrooper´s cards, in three available languages: spanish, english and polish. It works in Android 2.2 or higher, and for smartphones and tablets.

There are two different pics from the application, and a video recorded by me, sorry it has a poor quality:

Klub Arkadin / Odp: Doomtrooper online
« dnia: Stycznia 09, 2014, 11:56:47 pm »
Hi plusz81:

After login in Portal-TCG, you have to visit this subforum:
There, you have to create a new topic with your user´s presentation. You can copy&paste the questions show in this other topic:
in order to make this proccess easier for you. Although, you can make your own presentation if you want.
When this task is done, we´ll send you an invitation to share Dropbox´s folder.

International Forum / Odp: Doomtrooper match exhibition
« dnia: Lipca 01, 2013, 09:55:43 pm »

The current version of DTM has official expansions from 1st Edition to Paradise Lost, both spanish & english.

In addition, Promos, 2nd Edition´s cards and all underground expansions (Ragnarok, Heresy, Dementia and so).

2.377 cards in spanish, 2.242 in english (we have added homemade expansions, but some of them in spanish).

The program has a feature that recognizes restricted & banned cards. In addition, the users can tell the program to restrict or ban new, or different cards depending on the game experience, as with homemade cards as needed.

International Forum / Odp: Doomtrooper match exhibition
« dnia: Czerwca 30, 2013, 09:12:38 pm »
Yes, i can save Billy one more time, Narrow Escape.

But... i have drawn cards for my next turn and it´s not possible attack Pretorian, or save Billy again, so i must surrender the match. Well played, i have remembered old times, when i start playing Doomtrooper.


International Forum / Odp: Doomtrooper match exhibition
« dnia: Czerwca 29, 2013, 08:49:43 am »
A difficult moment for me! Miscommunication over Karma.

1st & 2nd Meditate (DP=3+2=5)
3rd Billy (DP=5-5=0). I discard 1 card, your turn.

International Forum / Odp: Doomtrooper match exhibition
« dnia: Czerwca 27, 2013, 02:57:28 pm »
Ok, i have 16 PP and you 17 PP. Intruder was dead after Miscommunication.

Draw and meditate 3 (DP=0+3). It´s difficult to play in 1st Edition mode without Karmas... 1 Discard, your turn.

International Forum / Odp: Doomtrooper match exhibition
« dnia: Czerwca 26, 2013, 03:11:23 pm »
I play Narrow Escape.
Draw, Divine Inspiration. Draw and play Sabotage (i choose Dark Legion).
If you counter it i´ll redo my turn. One card discarded. Your turn.

International Forum / Odp: Doomtrooper match exhibition
« dnia: Czerwca 25, 2013, 03:04:37 pm »
Nice movement, i can´t counter any of the cards played, so you can continue.

International Forum / Odp: Doomtrooper match exhibition
« dnia: Czerwca 24, 2013, 03:11:03 pm »
Ok, Portable is still there. At the beginning of my draw step i play Manifest Destiny.

Draw. Negative Karma.

1st Composite Armor
2nd Suicide Mission
3rd Meditate (DP=7+1=8). I do not discard, your turn.

International Forum / Odp: Doomtrooper match exhibition
« dnia: Czerwca 23, 2013, 10:42:08 am »
Sorry for the delay. Intruder covered. Draw, Malfunction over Portable, Cowardice too.

1st Uncover Intruder
2nd & 3rd Meditate (DP=5+2=7). Before ending i play Expedite and draw 1 card, i´m not going to do anymore so if you counter Expedite, i can shuffle it again without spend time. Your turn.

International Forum / Odp: Doomtrooper match exhibition
« dnia: Czerwca 21, 2013, 12:56:09 pm »
Ok, i quit 3 PP from my account (PP=11-3=8). Draw.

1st Vassht
2nd Smoke Bomb
3rd Sabotage (+3 PP if nothing happens). I discard 1 card, your turn.

International Forum / Odp: Doomtrooper match exhibition
« dnia: Czerwca 20, 2013, 03:00:26 pm »

1st Secret HQ to my Kohort
2nd Citadel of Semai
3rd Nepharite performs a shoot attack over Stalker (both die if nothing happens). I do not discard, your turn.

International Forum / Odp: Doomtrooper match exhibition
« dnia: Czerwca 19, 2013, 02:54:40 pm »
Miscommunication over the first one.

International Forum / Odp: Doomtrooper match exhibition
« dnia: Czerwca 18, 2013, 02:35:38 pm »
I play Narrow escape

International Forum / Odp: Doomtrooper match exhibition
« dnia: Czerwca 17, 2013, 05:25:14 am »
You can continue, i do not counter your card.

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