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Odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące kart.
« dnia: Maja 15, 2006, 11:06:52 pm »


Can the warrior attack the same opposing warrior both times? It doesn't explicitly say so like the NIMROD AUTOCANNON does.
Yes. We just didn't have to room for that stipulation on the card.


Agent Michaels has been the source of many questions. Here is some clarification in general. Nick is considered a member of all five corps, this essentially means he can attack (and be attacked by) only the Dark Legion. However, he can use any cards designated for the five megacorps. This is very handy (for example) if you can get all five corporation cities into play. Because he is a member of all five corps, he gets +2 to A from all five cities, giving him a +10 to A! Very grim!



Yes, this is also the case with SEAN GALLAGHER, and other personalities that give bonuses to “their own”. Unless, of course, the card says otherwise (like SGT. MCBRIDE).



Does the ability of ALGEROTH-APOSTLE OF WAR (and other such cards that allow equipment to be discarded) work against artillery (for instance the BAUHAUS GREAT INFURIOR)?
Yes. An Equipment card is an Equipment card.

A COMBAT COORDINATOR may only be given to a CURATOR. Can ALGEROTH give it to anyone?
No. ALGEROTH only disregards affiliations, not specific rules.


What happens when an AMBUSH is played after a SURPRISE ATTACK (or the other way around)?
They cancel each other out, and the combat is as normal. However, another AMBUSH or SURPRISE ATTACK will be effective.



Does ANNIHILATION cause SECRET HEADQUARTERS and other cards that may “not be discarded” to be discarded?
Sort of. ANNIHILATION “removes all the cards from the game” - it does NOT "discard" any cards. Although SECRET HEADQUARTERS "may never be discarded", they are being REMOVED FROM THE GAME instead, and are taken out of play.

How does ANNIHILATION effect RELIQUARY, CARDINAL DURAND, and other cards which force a specific card to be reshuffled?
Again because ANNIHILATION removes cards from the game instead of discards them, they are all removed from play as well.


Does ARMOR OF THE TRUE ASSASSIN allow the warrior to cast spells (Arts of Kinetics and Manipulation) similar to a real MORTIFICATOR?
No. It gives the warrior MORTIFICATOR status, but not spell-casting abilities. If it did, it would say so on the card.


Can a single warrior be given ATTRACTION to a group of warriors in TIGHT FORMATION?
Yes, because they are considered a single warrior. Even two TIGHT FORMATIONS may be attracted to each other!

You got a problem with that? : ) Gender has no affect on ATTRACTION.


Can I play AUTOMATIC FIRE on a FIGHT/SHOOT WEAPON during a Fight combat?
Yes, as long as the weapon is the type of weapon mentioned on the card.



The BACTERIA GRENADE causes my wounded enemy to lose -1V every turn that his controller doesn't spend 3D to stop it and once he hits 0V he is discarded. Do I get the full value in Promotion Points when he is discarded?
You don’t get any points at all. Remember that DISCARDED warriors earn no points, only KILLED warriors. The BACTERIA GRENADE is both a good and a bad thing!


Can I play BAMBOOZLED on my opponent after he trades in Destiny Points for Promotion Points (via RETRAINING)?
Yes. You may play this card anytime a player gains Promotion Points.


If I have the Bauhaus Allaince in play, may my Bauhaus warrior use a PERSONAL ANTI-PERSONNEL MINE? The PAPM must be discarded to be used, and with the Bauhaus Alliance card in play, my Bauhausers can't discard!
That's right! the PAPM is now off-limits to Bauhausers under their Alliance card. They wouldn't use something as inefficient as a PAPM anyway!


Is this really an Imperial Vehicle, since it has the name of Bauhaus in the title?
Yes, it is an Imperial vehicle. The Imperials use it to crush their Bauhaus foes - or at least try to.


I know that I cannot play Special cards on my BIO-GIANT, but if I am playing a team game, may my partner play “good” Special cards on it?
Yes indeed!


Does BLOOD LUST give a fourth action, or do I have to spend my second and third actions on attacks?
BLOOD LUST gives you an EXTRA attack action. This means that you may take a fourth action that turn, but it MUST be an attack action. You do not have to attack previously, so you may even spend your first three actions meditating, and then attack with your BLOOD LUST.


Can a BODYGUARD be shifted during combat by paying the 3D?
Absolutely! That's his best job.

Sure! And it still keeps it's abilities. The BODYGUARD simply becomes a group of guards, like the Secret Service (well, not very much like the Secret Service...).

Since the BAUHAUS GREAT INFURIOR can get rid of a BODYGUARD, would I get the Promotion Points for it? Can the BODYGUARD use a NARROW ESCAPE in this instance?
No and no. You do not "kill" the BODYGUARD with the INFURIOR, you only "discard" it, therefore no points are earned (true, the guard is pile of paste, but we're talking game terms here). For the same reason, you may not use NARROW ESCAPE to prevent his discarding, since he is not "killed".

Is the BODYGUARD a Doomtrooper? If so, can it receive affiliations?
Yes, it is a Doomtrooper. It may only be added to a Squad (not a Kohort). And it may receive affiliations (but this will not affect its primary job as a bodyguard).


Is there a limit to the number of BOOKS OF LAW that a Brotherhood warrior may have?
Like all equipment, a Brotherhood warrior may HAVE any number of BOOKS OF LAW. But it may USE only one at a time! So you only get one extra action, no matter how many BOOKS the Brotherhood warrior has. Of course, if you have two Brotherhood warriors, and they each have a BOOK OF LAW, then you get two extra actions..


The BRASS APOCALYPT is kind of like a SERGEANT. Do I have to assign the BRASS APOCALYPT to a warrior as soon as I put him into play, or can I wait like with SERGEANTS?
You must assign the BRASS APOCALYPT as soon as you put him into play. He is not like a Sergeant in this aspect.

What if I do not have a warrior to assign to the BRASS APOCALYPT?
Then you may not put him into play until you have a warrior he can be assigned to. Since you MUST assign him, you are not able to fulfill the “putting into play” restrictions on the APOCALYPT. Therefore, he can’t be put into play.



Can a CALLISTONIAN CONQUEROR heal itself by spending 6 D at any time?
Yes. It will work on itself, since it is considered the thing it heals.


This card states that CARDINAL DOMINIC must attack the highest V Dark Legion warrior in play. What if the Dark Legion warrior with the highest V is in my own Kohort?
It must only attack the highest V Dark Legion warrior in play that is not in your Kohort.


Is there anything to stop CARDINAL DURAND from negating everyone's immunity in play once he comes into play and then any new warriors that come into play later?
Nope. Nothing can stop his anti-immunity ability - he's the Mutant Chronicles equivalent of the Pope!

When he is discarded (or I guess reshuffled as the case may be) does his negation of the immunity "wear off"?
When he is discarded, the effect wears off, and immunities are back in play!

Is CARDINAL DOMINIC immune to the Dark Symmetry?
Nope. Imagine that...


Does CARDINAL'S BANK prevent the bonus given to you by REASSIGNMENT?
No. The Destiny Points are given to the player, who then puts them in his pile, and THAT is protected by the CARDINAL'S BANK.

If a player has CARDINAL'S BANK out, does that mean that I can't use a BAMBOOZLED on him at all?
Yes, you may, because the Promotion Points were never actually earned by the player, your warrior defrauded the results and prevented the earning of Promotion Points in the first place. As your personal reward, you get the Destiny Points.

The Cardinal's Bank states that your earned D and P "may not" be manipulated. Does the "may not" in this sentence mean that you may allow it to be manipulated on a case by case basis?
Yes. As they say in the commercials, "After all, it is your money."

Does CARDINAL'S BANK protect you from CORPORATE SHENANIGANS (and similar cards) that YOU play?
No. If you mess with your own Destiny Points or Promotion Points, the CARDINAL'S BANK will not help you.


Are CENTURIONS considered HERETICS? It says on the card that they "...are heretics transformed through Dark Symmetry..." So, would a REPENTANCE get rid of them?
No, that is only background text. The CENTURION used to be a Heretic, but was transformed by Dark Symmetry into its current self.


Do HEAVY FOG and CHASM! stop all combat between all players, or just between the two warriors?
These cards prohibit the type of combat for an entire circuit of turns - until the player who played the card starts a new turn.


What’s with the “x2” on the V rating for this card?
If you take a look at it along with the card text, you will notice that ANY warrior who is killed in this Warzone is worth double the points.


May I give this card to a CLANSMAN?




May AGENT NICK MICHAELS gain the benefits from CLUB ARKADIN, even though he is a member of all five Corps?
Yes. He also has the General affiliation icon, and that is all that is required.


May I give this card to a Bauhaus warrior?


A COMBAT COORDINATOR may only be given to a CURATOR. Can ALGEROTH give it to anyone?
No. ALGEROTH only disregards affiliations, not specific rules.


No. The PAPM is NOT a WEAPON. Only cards that state WEAPON on them may be “concealed”. This means only FIGHT WEAPONS, SHOOT WEAPONS, FIGHT/SHOOT WEAPONS and SPECIAL WEAPONS may be used.


If you are the attacker in a battle, and then are slapped with COWARDICE, would the attack be over since essentially you can't attack when you are in cover but can be attacked?
Actually, because the attack has already begun, the Attacker goes into cover and gains the +3 to A, but the combat still goes on. This is actually a great card to play when your warrior is the Attacker!


Does this card discard CARDS or anything CONSIDERED Warzones, Fortifications and Vehicles?
It discards CARDS only. See FORTIFICATION vs. FORTIFICATION CARD, above, for more on this.

May I spend 2 actions to discard just a Fortification and a Warzone?
Yes. While you do not HAVE to discard one of all three things, you must still pay the 3 action cost, no matter which items you discard.

May I discard 3 Warzones?
No. You may only discard up to one Fortification, one Warzone and one Vehicle.


If someone lays down a Special card like MALFUNCTION!, MISCOMMUNICATION, COWARDICE, GIFT OF FATE, EXPEDITE REQUEST, LOOT AND PILLAGE, WAVE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, or any other "one shot" Special card, can you lay out a CURSE OF ALGEROTH as an alternative way to "miscommunicate" the Special card?
No. CURSE OF ALGEROTH only works on Special cards "in play," which basically means sitting on the table. Since Specials that are played and immediately discarded are not really "attached" to anything (like a warrior or the table) then it never really had a chance to get "into play." Essentially, the card moves from your hand to your discard pile immediately, and throws an effect into the game during it's trip.

Can you play a CURSE OF ALGEROTH if you only have ALGEROTH in play?
No. ALGEROTH is not a FOLLOWER OF ALGEROTH (see the APOSTLES section above for more on this).



Does the attack granted by DAI-SHO OF THE ANCIENT EMPERORS count as the attack action for your turn, or is it in addition to the regular attack action?
It counts as your one attack action.




What happens if my Brotherhood warrior with a DEATH ANGEL has its V increased over 3?
It may still keep the Vehicle. You may only GIVE the Vehicle to a Brotherhood warrior with a V or 3 or less. Once it HAS the Vehicle, it may keep it!




Does the "no meditate action" result from taking the 25D or from using it (ie not penalized until I actually USE the 25D)?
Once you TAKE the 25 D, that's all you get!


If a card is removed from the game (like many ART OF SUMMONING spells) can it be brought back with DIVINE INSPIRATION?
No. The card has been removed from the game entirely, and may not be brought back.


If DOCTOR DIANA is given a TAINTED, could she then also heal Dark Legion warriors?
Absolutely! And if she becomes a full-blown Dark Legion warrior with no more corporate affiliation (like through a DARK VISITATION) then she may ONLY heal the Dark Legion.


If a warrior has a card attached to it that prevents it from taking actions (INFERIOR TECHNOLOGY, DON'T CALL AGAIN) does this mean that Equipment cannot be given to the warrior? We wondering what is exactly considered a warrior action (attacking, going into cover) and what is a player action taken on behalf of his/her warriors.
Good question. The warrior may not enter or exit cover, attack, be bestowed with Dark Symmetry, be given Equipment or Relics, be assigned a Mission, or be given Special cards that require actions to play. Basically, anything that involves the warrior is off-limits.


This is one card that has caused a bit of confusion, mostly, I think, due to a particular card from that "other" game called CLONE, which this isn't! We're going to beat this one to death here (you will see another such beating with TIGHT FORMATION, later) to make sure that everyone understands the purpose this card.

Can DOUBLE DUTY be used on a Personality?

I also assume the last line means if I have a warrior DOUBLE DUTY-ing a warrior of an opponent the 2 may not be in combat with each other?
Yes. They are not clones, they are the EXACT SAME WARRIOR, and a warrior may never attack itself.

Can cards which change the attacker and defender, for instance GREATER HYPNOSIS or GREATER TELEPATHY, be used to make these two fight each other?
No, because a warrior will never ever ever attack itself. Remember, they are the EXACT SAME WARRIOR.

What happens if you have a warrior in play, and someone plays DOUBLE DUTY on it, and then you play ETERNAL CURSE on the original warrior. Since the warrior cannot be affected by Special cards, wouldn't the DOUBLE DUTY card be discarded, and therefore the original warrior as well?
Actually, no. Once played, the DOUBLE DUTY card is put into play and represents the original warrior. Therefore, the DOUBLE DUTY card really isn't a Special card anymore, it is a Warrior card! So, if either "copy" of the warrior is hit with an ETERNAL CURSE, it simply affects the warrior (and "neither" may be affected by Special cards).

If DOUBLE DUTY is discarded AT ALL, would the warrior that it's mimicking also be discarded?
Yes, because they are the EXACT SAME WARRIOR - the DOUBLE DUTY card is not a "mimic" or a "clone" or anything like that, it's the SAME guy!

Can a warrior have more than one DOUBLE DUTY played on it?
Sure, the warrior is just REALLY tired. Nothing else changes, except the warrior is now pulling TRIPLE duty. And "all three" are considered the EXACT SAME guy.

Since I can DOUBLE DUTY my own TIGHT FORMATION, can I then add that FORMATION to the original FORMATION and double it up?
No. A TIGHT FORMATION cannot be added to itself (it's very messy...).

Can my DOUBLE DUTY card and the original warrior card be in the same TIGHT FORMATION?
No. The warrior may not be in a TIGHT FORMATION with itself. It’s only one guy.

What happens to my opponent's original warrior card when I add my DOUBLE DUTY of the warrior to my TIGHT FORMATION?
The warrior convinces the FORMATION to go along with it, and your opponent gains the effects of the TIGHT FORMATION! A good way to think of this one is that the warrior doesn't join the FORMATION, the FORMATION joins the warrior! Therefore, warrior becomes a TIGHT FORMATION, and since all versions are the exact same guy, your opponent now has that TIGHT FORMATION working for him as well!

When I have my opponent's warrior DOUBLE DUTIED, and it's his turn and he is attacking with him, may I play INSPIRED and put my warrior (and therefore his warrior) into cover? How much can I mess with a DOUBLE DUTIED card when it is not my turn?
You can mess with the card as much as you could screw with your own warrior - because he IS your own warrior. If you have a DOUBLE DUTY of another player's Doomtrooper in your Squad, then that DOUBLE DUTY card is no longer a Special card, it has been transformed into the warrior card. And it is your warrior, so you can mess with your warrior as much as you want, and it will just happen to mess with the same guy sitting in your opponent's Squad. Remember, though, that in the situation you describe, the attack will STILL take place. Because the warrior ALREADY attacked, the attacker simply goes into Cover and gains the +3. For more on this see the TIMING section, above.

If my opponent plays DOUBLE DUTY on one of my Brotherhood warriors and the Brother casts NATHANIEL'S OPPORTUNITY, or any such Art that doesn't directly affect the warrior, does my opponent get the benefits of the spell as well?
No. The Brotherhood warrior casts the spell while he is working for you, and he casts it FOR you. He does not cast it FOR your opponent as well, and so the opponent does not get the benefits.

Can you use a DOUBLE DUTY card on someone with an ETERNAL CURSE?
No, but you can use an ETERNAL CURSE on a warrior with DOUBLE DUTY. Because the DOUBLE DUTY card IS a Special card when it is played on the warrior, the ETERNAL CURSE will prevent it from being played. However, since the DOUBLE DUTY card "becomes" a warrior card after it is played, the ETERNAL CURSE will work on both incarnations of the warrior. Tricky!!! A GREAT question.

If I give DOUBLE DUTY to my opponent's PRETORIAN STALKER, and he has two PRETORIAN STALKERS in his Kohort, would I get the bonus given by the second PRETORIAN STALKER?
No, because the PRETORIAN STALKER is working for you in your Kohort in his "off time", when he isn't working for your opponent in his Kohort. While he is fighting for you, he can't gain the +2 from another STALKER because you don't have another Stalker in your Kohort to help him out. When he is working for your opponent, he does gain the bonus due to his companion in the Kohort. Of course, if you had another DOUBLE DUTY card and were to hit the OTHER Stalker...

If the OTHER PRETORIAN STALKER attacks the one that I gave DOUBLE DUTY to in my Kohort, would he not get the bonus given by the other one since he isn't in HIS Kohort at that time, but in mine since he is attacking it?
Exactly. Since the Defender is in your Kohort, the Attacker won't get the bonus because the other STALKER “isn't there”.

Do I get the use of all Equipment/Art/Dark Symmetry cards on a warrior if I lay DOUBLE DUTY on a warrior with the Equipment/Art/Dark Symmetry cards on him?
You bet! That's the purpose of the card! If you DOUBLE DUTY a FOLLOWER OF ALGEROTH blistering with Equipment and Dark Symmetry you can assume that your Double Duty card has all that stuff too, and willing to use them! Of course, if you give your DOUBLE DUTY card a HELLHOUND NECROTANK, the other guy gets to use it as well.

If my opponent only has a single warrior in play, and I only have a DOUBLE DUTY of that warrior in play, may either PLAYER be attacked?
No, there is a stand-off. The warrior will not turn against either employer.


Can DULL BLADE be used during combat on a warrior without weapons to stop the combat?
No. These cards may only be played to stop the use of the WEAPON equipment cards. They have no use against a warrior with no WEAPON equipment cards.



May I give a warrior multiple ELITE TROOPERS?
Yes, as long as it’s modified V is 4 or less BEFORE you give it the card. For example, let’s say the warrior’s original stats were 4/3/2/1. The first ELITE TROOPER will make its stats 8/6/4/2. A second ELITE TROOPER will make its stats 16/12/8/4. Since its V is still 4 or less, you could play a third ELITE TROOPER on it, making its stats 32/24/16/8!



If someone lays down a "one shot" Special card, can you lay out a EQUILIBRIUM as an alternative way to "miscommunicate" the Special card?
No. See the notes under CURSE OF ALGEROTH for the reason why.


What if the Dark Legion warrior is already wounded when an ESSENCE OF... card is played? Is it killed and are points earned?
He is killed and discarded, but this is what should have been included at the end of these cards, but was forgotten (yes another little typo thingy - it happens): "Warriors killed in this manner are discarded. You do not earn points for the kill."


It is recommended that you use the wording on the Second Edition version of this card.


It is recommended that you use the wording on the Second Edition version of this card.


It is recommended that you use the wording on the Second Edition version of this card.


Do Heretics get wounded when this card is played, like the other Dark Legion warriors do when the other ESSENCE cards are played?
Nope. It doesn’t say so on the card, so it doesn’t happen. Don’t make assumptions!


It is recommended that you use the wording on the Second Edition version of this card.


This card used to have a long list of questions after it, but we decided to fall back to this new, friendly interpretation instead of insisting on our previous hard-and-fast ruling.

When a warrior is affected by ETERNAL CURSE, it may not be affected by ANY Special card effects that SPECIFICIALLY state on them that they may be played on or affect a WARRIOR/DOOMTROOPER/DARK LEGION WARRIOR.


It is recommended that you use the wording on the Second Edition version of this card.




Does this card mean that I can change BILLY, for instance, into a Doomtrooper with no affiliation?
No. It only works on Doomtroopers who are turned into Heretics during the game. It turns them back. You cannot turn Heretics into Doomtroopers if they started out as Heretics.



Does placement of a FACTORY (either in a Squad or Kohort) effect how the Destiny Points from this Fortification may be played? If not, why does the distinction need to be made?
There really isn't a need for a distinction, right now. But suppose you had a card that wiped out an entire Squad OR Kohort? The distinction is needed in that case. We’re just trying to plan for the future.


Can a FIRST AID KIT be used to save a Doomtrooper from dying when it is wounded by something that automatically kills?
No. The FIRST AID KIT may not be used a just-killed warrior.


Can you still draw a card during your Draw Step if you have 7 or more cards in your hand and the FORTUNE OF WAR card in play?
You may draw one card during your Draw Step in this instance.


LONGSHORE and FUKIDO seem to be mixed up as far as affiliation goes. Isn’t FUKIDO a Mishima city?
No it isn’t. In the MUTANT CHRONICLES history (mostly known through the RPG products) FUKIDO was taken over by Imperial, and is now an Imperial stronghold. LONGSHORE has always been a Mishima city.



No. Only cards that actually SAY they are COMMANDERS in their card text boxes are considered COMMANDERS. If a warrior has the word COMMANDER, SERGEANT or CAPTAIN in its TITLE and does NOT have the COMMANDER designation in its text box, it is still NOT a COMMANDER of any sort, and is not affected by cards that affect COMMANDERS.


A NIMROD AUTOCANNON can attack two targets at once, or attack the same target twice. If my opponent has a GOLEM OF DARKNESS, which automatically heals an attack if it doesn't automatically cause death, and I attack him with the AUTOCANNON, is the GOLEM killed, or does it heal after each shot?
It heals after each shot. The GOLEM heals "immediately" after combat, and since each combat is handled separately, the GOLEM will heal in-between combats.


May Dark Legion warriors wound GOLGOTHA?
No. The only warriors that can wound her are DOOMTROOPERS equipped with RELICS.

Can may Doomtrooper with a Relic wound GOLGOTHA with a PERSONAL ANTI PERSONNEL MINE?
Yes, as long as the warrior is equipped with a Relic, it doesn’t mater how she is wounded. You don’t even have to use the Relic.




When you play GREATER DIVINATION, do you state how many D you will spend before actually looking at your opponents Draw pile, or may I look through the Draw pile and THEN spend D to remove cards?
You must spend all D before you look. You'll just have to decide how big of a chance you wish to take!


With GREATER HYPNOSIS, can I change the Attacker and Defender if my warriors aren’t affected? In other words, can I break into (and change) a combat between two other players?
Absolutely! Remember, though, that if you harm your own warriors you don’t get any points for it.


If I give a warrior some equipment w/ GREATER MANIPULATION does the warrior get to keep it, or can I reclaim it when my control of the warrior is over?
The warrior keeps the stuff, as well as anything else you gave him (like a wound!).


May I give a warrior multiple GRIM REAPERS?
Yes, as long as it’s modified V is 4 or less BEFORE you give it the card. For example, let’s say the warrior’s original stats were 4/3/2/1. The first GRIM REAPER will make its stats 8/6/4/2. A second GRIM REAPER will make its stats 16/12/8/4. Since its V is still 4 or less, you could play a third GRIM REAPER on it, making its stats 32/24/16/8!

May I give my SCION OF ILIAN two DEMOTED cards, making its V a 1, and then hit it with 3 GRIM REAPERS, making it’s final ratings 32/40/32/8?
That is perfectly legal.


Can you pay 20 D to Add a GRIZZLY BATTLE TANK to your Squad, if you prefer not to discard the Dragoons?
No you may not! The only way to get the GRIZZLY into play is to discard the two DRAGOONS (they basically go inside the GRIZZLY to operate it). You may not add the warrior to your Squad by paying 20 D.

May I put a GRIZZLY into play by playing the LOOT AND PILLAGE card?
Yes, you may! It is a warrior card, after all. The only way to "normally" get the GRIZZLY into play is through the two DRAGOONS, however.

Then does this mean I can put a GRIZZLY BATTLE TANK out on my first turn?
If you mean through the LOOT AND PILLAGE trick, sure! Actually, you can always put your GRIZZLY out on the first turn, provided your opening hand consists of two DRAGOONS, the GRIZZLY and a POSITIVE KARMA. Play the KARMA to get the 10 D, then spend your three actions: the first two to get your DRAGOONS out and the third to discard them and put your GRIZZLY out! The sit back and smile as your opponent grimaces in agony.

May I discard the GRIZZLY to put the two DRAGOONS back into play?
No. They will not "leave their post".

Can I use the DRAGOONS I discarded to put the GRIZZLY into play again to put another GRIZZLY into play? (For example, I GIFT OF FATE the two DRAGOONS back into my hand and put them back into play to get another GRIZZLY into play?
Yes, you may. Although in "literal" terms those DRAGOONS are in the GRIZZLY, in GAME terms the cards have been discarded, and are available to you if you can get to them.

Can the GRIZZLY be given Relics like the ARMOR OF THE TRUE ASSASSIN?
Yes, since the Relic is not considered Equipment, and there is not specific ARMOR restriction on the GRIZZLY. GRIM!

What happens to any Equipment or Special cards on a DRAGOON that is discarded to bring the GRIZZLY into play?
They are discarded as well.

Can you put a GRIZZLY directly into play with a SUMMON TROOPER spell?
Yes, but you do have to pay the 20D in this case.



Do HEAVY FOG and CHASM! stop all combat between all players, or just between the two warriors?
These cards prohibit the type of combat for an entire circuit of turns - until the player who played the card starts a new turn.


Since this card says "Return the card to its owner after the game", does this mean the equipment goes to your discard pile if it is discarded, or does it return to its owner at that time?
It is always returned to its owner when it is taken out of play, even if the game is not yet over. While it is a neat idea to be able to put it in your discard pile and then GIFT OF FATE it, this will cause too many troubles with forgotten cards and sticky fingers (literally and figuratively). However, if you would like to play this way as a "House Rule," be my guest!



Is there anything to stop ILIAN from negating everyone's immunity in play once she comes into play and then any new warriors that come into play later?
Nope. Nothing can stop her anti-immunity ability (just like CARDINAL DURAND).

When she is discarded does his negation of the immunity "wear off"?
When she is discarded, the effect wears off, and immunities are back in play!

How long does the cancellation of immunity that ILIAN-MISTRESS OF THE VOID gives last, is it similar to CARDINAL DURAND in that any number of warriors can be affected for an indeterminate amount of time?
Yes. They are the same effect, but opposite "alignments".

ILIAN and VALPURGIUS are both allowed to bestow any Dark Symmetry card on any warrior. May they Bestow the four Dark Symmetry cards that may only be given to Heretics onto non-Heretics?
No. The abilities of ILIAN and VALPURGIUS are GENERAL effects, but the rules on the BARBAROUS POWER, MONSTROUS POWER, UNHOLY POWER, and UNGODLY POWER cards are SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS that say they may only be given to Heretics. These specific restrictions always take precedence over general abilities. Also see COMBAT COORDINATOR, above.


What happens to the IMMACULATE SPAWN after I replace it with an IMMACULATE FURY?
It is discarded as normal, ready to pull another FURY from your collection!


Does placement of an INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (either in a Squad or Kohort) effect how the Destiny Points from this Fortification may be played? If not, why does the distinction need to be made?
There really isn't a need for a distinction, right now. But suppose you had a card that wiped out an entire Squad OR Kohort? The distinction is needed in that case.


If a warrior has a card attached to it that prevents it from taking actions (INFERIOR TECHNOLOGY, DON'T CALL AGAIN) does this mean that Equipment cannot be given to the warrior? We wondering what is exactly considered a warrior action (attacking, going into cover) and what is a player action taken on behalf of his/her warriors.
Good question. The warrior may not enter or exit cover, attack, be bestowed with Dark Symmetry, be given Equipment or Relics, be assigned a Mission, or be given Special cards that require actions to play. Basically, anything that involves the warrior is off-limits.


The mission card INFILTRATION says "Destroy any City, Cathedral, or Citadel in play to complete the mission and earn 6 Promotion Points". Is discarding a City the same as destroying it?
Yes, discarding a Fortification is the same as destroying it.


Is a warrior limited to one INQUISITOR BATTLE DRESS, or can it have multiple copies?
Since it is not ARMOR, the warrior may have as many as it wants.

No. Although NIKODEMUS is obviously an INQUISITOR in Mutant Chronicles terms, it does not say he is “Considered an INQUISITOR” directly in it’s card. So in GAME terms, he may not have the card.


INSPIRED can be a tricky cad, depending on when you play it:

If you play INSPIRED during your turn, you simply get three additional actions to add to the three you already have. Remember that you are still restricted to attacking last.

If you play INSPIRED during another player’s turn, you must use up all three actions before continuing on with something else. You may use the three actions to play cards that require actions, AND you may play additional “play at any time” cards to affect the things you are doing with the three actions. Remember, however, that these actions are not “during your turn” so you cannot play Special cards that state “Play during your turn as one action.”


What happens if you play INSUBORDINATION on a Freelancer?
Nothing. You can’t get any lower than a Freelancer! The card has no effect.



If after a successful attack, one in which my warrior survived may I play three JOY OF VICTORY cards all at the same time?
Absolutely! There no limits to the number you may “PLAY AT ANY TIME”.



When do I check to see if the KARNOPHAGE is discarded due to no wounded warriors in play?
During each of your Discard phases.

Do I have to discard wounded warriors with my KARNOPHAGE?
No. It is always optional.

May I discard my own wounded warriors with my KARNOPHAGE?

If the only wounded warrior in play is a NEPHARITE, is the KARNOPHAGE discarded?


Can I play a KNIGHTHOOD on a warrior in my Squad if there is a ROGUE there?
No. It would be considered adding another Imperial warrior to the Squad.



May a SHOOT WEAPON have a LASER SIGHT if it already has a TELESCOPIC SIGHT?
Absolutely. A Weapon may have a TELESCOPIC SIGHT, LASER SIGHT, BAYONET, GRENADE LAUNCHER, all that stuff. It just can't have multiples of the same attachments.







No. The INFURIOR is in your squad, but is not “owned” by any Doomtrooper. The card is played on a warrior, and affects that warrior’s equipment. The INFURIOR is by itself, and is held by no Doomtrooper.


Do you have to discard down to seven cards every turn when you have MANIFEST DESTINY in play?
No, but you do have to discard down to 10 cards if you have more than 10 in your hand, since 10 cards is your new hand limit.

Do the effects of Manifest Desinty stop if the card is removed from play?
As of now, yes. Assume it has the 2nd edition wording. See Card Errata.


If a card that "Takes X actions" to use is MISCOMMUNICATED, are the actions spent, or, because card says "Has NO effect on play", are the actions NOT spent..?
This just means that the card has no effect on play, it doesn't assume that nothing ever happened, so the actions (and/or Destiny Points) are still spent.

Can you play a MISCOMMUNICATION on a DOUBLE DUTY right when it is played so the DOUBLE DUTY has no effect at all? What about a TIGHT FORMATION?
Yes, but only when they are JUST played will they be MISCOMMUNICATED. Two things here. First: Once in play, the DOUBLE DUTY card is really no longer a "Special" card, it now represents the warrior and should be considered a WARRIOR card (for more on this, see the DOUBLE DUTY section above). Second: Even if the TIGHT FORMATION card is discarded after a group has formed, the group is still intact and may still be added to (like it says on the card). But if you play a MISCOMMUNICATION immediately after the DOUBLE DUTY or TIGHT FORMATION is played, it will be discarded with no effect just like any other Special card.

If you MISCOMMUNICATE a "remove from game after it is played" card, does it go to the discard pile rather than being removed from the game?
No, it is still removed from the game, since it was still "played" - the effects just didn't work.


Is a warrior limited to one MYSTIC BATTLE DRESS, or can it have multiple copies?
Since it is not ARMOR, the warrior may have as many as it wants.



Do you get points for a warrior that you kill, but was saved by a NARROW ESCAPE?
No. The warrior didn’t die.


Can you put more than one NECROBIONICS on a HERETIC?
Sure. Since there is no limitation on the card, it may have as many as it wants, but remember, it may only USE one at a time!


If a person attacking with a NIMROD AUTOCANNON kills his defender may he then attack someone else or the player with his second attack which may have been declared on the person that died? What of an AMBUSH, does that stop the second attack?
No to both. You must announce both Defenders with the NIMROD AUTOCANNON before combat starts, so you can’t change your mind later. Both combats occur separately, so the AMBUSH would work with either combat. If either warrior is killed during the first combat, it can’t take part in the second if it was to be involved.



Can OUT OF AMMO and DULL BLADE be used during combat on a warrior without weapons to stop the combat?
No. These cards may only be played to stop the use of the weapon equipment cards. They have no use against a warrior with no weapon equipment cards.

May I use OUT OF AMMO on a FIGHT/SHOOT WEAPON during a Fight combat?



PHANTASM is a spell in which the caster assumes the visage of any other warrior in play (for a D cost). The warrior gains ONLY the F, S, A and V of the warrior it is “copying”, and does not gain any of the original’s special abilities or equipment or anything else but its natural combat ratings. Remember, though, to include “permanent” effects of cards (like DEMOTED). If the “altered” Brother is killed during the combat, the opponent gains points equal to the V of the warrior the Brother was copying, not the Brother! After combat, the Brother reverts back to normal.


When can PLAGUE BEARER markers be removed, anytime or only before/during your draw step?
The markers may be removed at any time (still pay the 4D).


What happens to this card after it is played?
It is attached to the warrior it is played on. If the attachment is broken, the warrior returns to it’s original Squad with it’s original affiliation intact. It loses its immunities, and may again cast Art spells (if able).



Next, can AIRMAN TREVOR BARTHOLOMEW and the RAMS AIR CAV use weapons or are they stuck with what they have?
They are stuck with what they have, because they cannot use equipment.

Also, can the RAMS AIR CAV (and such) be forced into a Fight combat by a card which changes the Battle Tactics?
No. Since RAMS AIR CAV (and AIRMAN TREVOR BARTHOLOMEW) cannot be in Fight combats, the combat immediately ends if the Tactics are changed to Fight.


What happens to this card after it is played?
It is attached to the warrior it is played on. If the attachment is broken, the warrior returns to it’s original Squad with it’s original affiliation intact, and loses Art-casting abilities.


When REPUDIATE is used with THE FALCON OF PILGRIMS, does the FALCON keep it in play?
Because after it is used the card is removed play instead of discarded, it does not remain in play. Note the line on the FALCON: "Unless removed from play, spell stays with the Falcon..."


Can REVELATION allow a Cybertronic warrior to cast an Art?
Sure, provided the Cybertronic warrior doesn't say "May NEVER cast Art spells" or something similar on it. There is NO RULE preventing a Cybertronic warrior from using the Art, except most Cybertronic warriors happen to have that restriction printed on their card!



It is recommended that you use the wording on the Second Edition version of this card


Can a RELIQUARY be used with SCROLL OF UNHOLY INVOCATION to allow the SCROLL to be reshuffled?
No, because you do not "discard" the SCROLL when you use it, you "remove it from the game," and the RELIQUARY only affects Relics that are "discarded".


Does the attack granted by SEWERS count as the attack action for your turn, or is it in addition to the regular attack action?
It counts as your one attack action.


Can you play SHELL SHOCKED on a player’s last warrior in play? The rules state that a player may not have their only warrior in cover, so what happens?
Good question. Because the rules on cards take precedence over the rules in the manual, a player’s only warrior in play may be SHELL SHOCKED and remain in cover. Of course, if the player adds a new warrior, it must remain out of cover. Here’s a tip: SHELL SHOCK your OWN last warrior!


Do warriors on SHORE LEAVE prevent a PLAYER from being attacked?
Sorry, not any more. The new rules state that a player may be attacked unless there is a warrior WHO MAY BE IN COMBAT in play. Because warriors on SHORE LEAVE cannot be in combat, you MAY be attacked!


If you kill a warrior with the SHRIEKETH, can you bring BILLY into play since he is considered a HERETIC?
No. Actually, this is an instance where you actually have to but a HERETIC card in play (an actual HERETIC card, not a card that is considered a Heretic). The reason is that the SHRIEKETH turns the killed warrior into a generic Heretic, and that is the most generic Heretic of all.




What happens with all modifications played in a combat where a SMOKE BOMB is suddenly detonated?
The combat is immediately ended and all modifiers are discarded (unless they have long-lasting effects).


Can you use NARROW ESCAPE if a SNIPERS! is laid out on one of your warriors and you can't pay the 4 D? And if so, would SNIPERS! then be discarded since the person narrowly escaped the sniper attack?
Yes and no. NARROW ESCAPE will keep the warrior from being killed, but since the SNIPER will see that the warrior is not yet dead, it will still keep shooting at it.

Can you play SNIPERS! on one of your own Personalities?
Sure. "Any" Personality means ANY Personality! This is true with all affects that work on "any" warrior, player or thing.


My opponent plays NATURAL DISASTER during his turn. Can I play INSPIRED and use the three actions to “miscommunicate” the Special card with my SPECIAL FORCES TRAINED warrior?
Nope. This card only lets you discard cards that are IN PLAY. Cards like NATURAL DISASTER never really make it “in play”, since they affect the game on the way to the discard pile. In other words, you can’t use this effect like a MISCOMMUNICATION.


If a Dark Legion warrior uses a BACTERIA GRENADE to attack a Brotherhood warrior and the Brother casts SPEED and kills him outright, does the BACTERIA GRENADE still take effect?
No. Since the combat was not simultaneous, the Dark Legion warrior never had a chance to set the thing off. See THE MOTHER OF ALL COMBAT BREAKDOWNS.


May I perform a SUICIDE ATTACK if my opponent has warriors in play?
Yes. This is not like attacking a player.


SUPPLY LINE SEVERED just prevents drawing cards. Do all other draw step actions happen?


Will a SUPREME NECROMAGUS provide another SUPREME NECROMAGUS with +3 to F, S and A?
Yes. The card should read, “The Necromagus will not affect its own ratings, but others may.”


What happens when an AMBUSH is played after a SURPRISE ATTACK (or the other way around)?
They cancel each other out, and the combat is as normal. However, another AMBUSH or SURPRISE ATTACK will be effective.




If I have a CARDINAL'S BANK out, do I still have to pay TAXATION or is this considered manipulating my Destiny?
It is considered manipulating your Destiny, so you don't have to pay your opponent from your D pool. However, because the TAXATION card says that if the total number of points isn't received by you, then the remainder are taken from the General Pool. This means that the player gets the Points, but he gets them all from the General Pool and not from your pool.


No. The TECHNOMANCER may have any equipment, regardless of affiliation, but the COMBAT COORDINATOR is also restricted by the fact that it may only be given to a CURATOR. Additional restrictions take precedence over simple affiliation.


Does THADEUS'S PALLET prevent cards like COWARDICE and such from having an effect? This would be interesting, because if cover was not allowed at all, then DOCTOR DIANA is going to have a problem.
THADEUS'S PALLET only prevents the Seek Cover action, it does not prevent going into cover by means of Special cards and abilities - DOCTOR DIANA would be able to go into Cover only when she uses her healing ability, she may still not Seek Cover.


When a SUMMON spell (or any which is removed from the game after use) is used with THE FALCON OF PILGRIMS is it still discarded, or does the FALCON keep it in play?
Because the card is taken out of play instead of discarded, it does not remain in play. Note the line on the FALCON: "Unless removed from play, spell stays with the Falcon..."











Here is another card that has caused some confusion, and I will admit that it is probably because we just couldn't fit enough descriptive text into the box. Like the DOUBLE DUTY card above, we're going to go over this one a bit too much, just so everyone will get the purpose of this one as well.

Can warriors who are "considered" to be other warriors be added to my TIGHT FORMATION? For example, may I add a ZENITHIAN SLAUGHTERMASTER to my group of ZENITHIAN SOULSLAYERS?

If the group formed by TIGHT FORMATION remains in play and may still be added to after the card itself is discarded, what is the point of having the card remain in play?
The point of keeping it in play is essentially to prevent hitting it with a GIFT OF FATE.

If a group of warriors receives a benefit from an outside source (ie BLOOD BERETS and SGT. McBRIDE) how does this affect the overall rating of the group?
Because it is considered a single warrior, cards like SGT. McBRIDE will only give it a single modifier.

Since a group of warriors in a TIGHT FORMATION is considered a single warrior, may the TIGHT FORMATION receive DOUBLE DUTY?
Yes! DOUBLE DUTY is perfectly legal. The group just has sore feet!.

How does Equipment work with a TIGHT FORMATION?
Same as anything else, although there are a couple of points here. Since they are a SINGLE WARRIOR, they may be equipped with anything that a single warrior may be equipped with: weapons, armor, and even Vehicles. But because they are a SINGLE warrior, they must follow the appropriate rules: only one Weapon at a time in combat, restrictions if in a Vehicle (yes, they are all stuffed in there). If a warrior with a weapon joins a group, the weapon becomes a part of that group's arsenal and may be used. Just like a single warrior is allowed to carry lots of weapons and use only one, so too is the FORMATION. It is a bit abstract but it's an abstract game!

If you wound or kill a TIGHT FORMATION, are all the warriors in the group wounded or killed, and if I kill a FORMATION, do I get the points for ALL of the warriors?
Yes and no. Since they are a SINGLE WARRIOR, they are "all" wounded or killed. But only ONE set of points is awarded if killed. Remember that the V of the group is the "base" warrior plus 2 for each additional warrior in the group, so that is the V that is awarded, not the "base" V times the number of warriors.

If I have a TIGHT FORMATION of (for instance) BLOOD BERETS in my Squad, and another BLOOD BERET in my Squad but not in the FORMATION, does the "lone" BERET get the bonuses from the TIGHT FORMATION? Do they have any affect on each other?
No. They are separate warriors. The "lone" BERET may join with the FORMATION at any time (remember, this is a permanent thing), and beef up the FORMATION, but unless he does this he has no affect on the FORMATION and it has no effect on him.

What happens when a wounded warrior is added to a TIGHT FORMATION?
It depends on the condition of the FORMATION. If a wounded warrior joins a wounded FORMATION, there is no effect and everything is still wounded. However, if a wounded warrior is added to a healthy FORMATION, that wounded warrior has just become the group's weak link, and the ENTIRE FORMATION becomes wounded as well! The same is true in reverse: if a healthy warrior is added to a wounded FORMATION, the warrior in effect becomes wounded as well.

If I give TIGHT FORMATION to a group of VENUSIAN MARSHALS, would all of my non-personality warriors still get the bonus of +2 to their F, S, and A for each of the MARSHALS or just one of them? I mean, wouldn't they just become a bigger MARSHAL and force their own warriors to do even better?
Here is where we go against everything I've said before (it had to happen sooner or later). In this instance, you do have to assume that there are a group of MARSHALS marching along with your forces. Like the card says, for each one in your Squad (in a FORMATION or not) the other Bauhausians get +2. So a FORMATION of 3 MARSHALS will give your Bauhausians +6 to F, S and A. Think of it as the big group inspiring your Bauhaus forces even more, but while working together they become like a powerful single warrior.

It states on the card that the group remains if the TIGHT FORMATION card should be discarded. Does this mean that the group loses it's bonus if it is discarded?
No, it just means that the effects of the TIGHT FORMATION card remain with the group even if the card goes to the discard pile (the reason we keep the FORMATION card on the group in the first place is to cut down the use with GIFT OF FATE and such). Assume the card is still there.

Do modifications such as IMPROVE SELF still use the original's base ratings or the group's combined ratings before doubling?
Since they are considered to be a single warrior with "actual" stats determined by taking the "base" warrior and adding for each additional member, you double the "modified" rating that is derived from the group, but not from anything else!

I have 4 WOLFBANE LIGHT CAVALRY in a TIGHT FORMATION. Does that mean that my opponent would suffer a -3 to A for each one that I am attacking with (For a total of -12)? Wouldn't it be the same rule as it was for the VENUSIAN MARSHAL? And if they had a Fortification out, would they then also get an additional +12 to A (if attacking by the WOLFBANES)?
Yes indeedy! GRIM GRIM GRIM!


If I have a CARDINAL'S BANK out, do I still have to pay TITHE or is this considered manipulating my Destiny?
It is considered manipulating your Destiny, so you don't have to pay your opponent from your D pool. However, because the TITHE card says that if the total number of points isn't received by you, then the remainder are taken from the General Pool. This means that the player gets the Points, but he gets them all from the General Pool and not from your pool.


Once decided upon, can the numbers chosen for a TRANSMUTATION be changed? For instance if I set S to 0, figuring I would use a Fight combat, and suddenly the combat changes to a Shooting one instead, can I change the numbers again or does is take another TRANSMUTATION to do this?
Because it is a COMBAT SPELL, you may continue to make alterations until the end of the modification phase (just like you are allowed to keep pumping D into an ELEMENTAL WALL, for instance.)






Does UNHOLY EYE prevent the opponent from attacking at all?
No. The warrior may still attack, it just can't do anything if it is affected by the UNHOLY EYE.



Can a VAC ENGINEER give the Cybertronic affiliation to a Brotherhood warrior?
Yes. Remember, there is no rule anywhere that says Cybertronic members are not allowed to cast Art spells, it just happens that most of them state ON THEIR CARD that they may not.


ILIAN and VALPURGIUS are both allowed to bestow any Dark Symmetry card on any warrior. May they Bestow the four Dark Symmetry cards that may only be given to Heretics onto non-Heretics?
No. The abilities of ILIAN and VALPURGIUS are GENERAL effects, but the rules on the BARBAROUS POWER, MONSTROUS POWER, UNHOLY POWER, and UNGODLY POWER cards are SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS that say they may only be given to Heretics. These specific restrictions always take precedence over general abilities. Also see COMBAT COORDINATOR, above.



If the WAR MEDIC is turned into a Heretic, may it heal Dark Legion warriors?


If AGENT NICK MICHAELS is in the WATCH TOWER, do all five Corporations strike first in combat?
Yes. Cool, huh?




May AGENT NICK MICHAELS be used as all five corp members for this mission?
No. He may be used for any one of the five corp members, but he is just one man.
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